Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Photo Site

If you have not noticed but I added a new link to my photo site. It includes the photos that you can't see here from my journeys. you can find the pictures here as well

My Photo Site

Sunday, September 03, 2006


I'm still in retrograde mode, but alas one more entry and I can continue with the present.

In the beggining of August I decided to goto the 2nd oldest and important Shrine in Japan. (The First being The Grand Shrines at Ise 伊勢神宮 and the third Izumo Grand Shrine 出雲大社) This shrine is not as large as the Ise complex or the Inari Complex, but is still maintained in the old style which only the 3 named here maintain. This shrine is dedicated to the Kami of Travel and of the Sea, and is described in the Tale of Genji 源氏物語 when Genji returns from Akashi he visits the shrine. When i visited it was near O-Bon time and was being decorated for a rather large Matsuri 祭. Here are the pictures from the shrine.

レミオロメン - 3月9日

My Favorite Song now!


So as many of you may know I am very much interested in Noh Theater 能楽. Well this semester I decided to dive deep into the art and do a research paper on it. My Independent study will research Noh theater and the modern practice and training. I will refer these to Zeami's  世阿弥元清 Kadensho 風姿花伝, and see if his theory's of practice still remain today. I will be helping teach a Drama course and will be studying in Kyoto at the Oe National Theater 大江能楽堂 or the Kanze Theater 観世能楽堂 on top of an 60-80 page research paper that is due at the end of the semester.

I decided to do so after speaking with Professor Scott about Graduate School, we both agreed that doing an Apprenticeship would be the best idea for me. Also in the discussion he told me that I need to do more to make me stand out amongst other students so I thought this would be a great idea, and with the possiblity of getting published. Which means........I will be a busy bee this semester.

Also I bought a New Digital Camera.

A Sony DSC-T30

MSRP: $499.95
What I paid: $280.00 (this is including a 1gig Memory Stick Duo)