Monday, May 22, 2006

Long time no write

Well it has definately been a long time since my last post. Alot of things have happened since then. Since I dont have time to detail all the journeys I will just post pictures up till Golden Week. The next post will be of nothing but golden week

These photos are of my journey to Ise 伊勢 to the Grand shrine 伊勢神宮内宮 of Amaterasu 天照大神. I went with fellow class mate and soccer effcienado Yuzo.

The Next Photos are from Bowling and Karaoke night, very simple and cheap in Japan. First) goto the local supermarket and pick up some beers or chu-his Second) goto Shonen Bowling Pay 200 yen a game and pay 200 Yen per hour of Karaoke. Magic!

Here we have Trip to tenri, Todd's Birthday, Fushimi Inari with Erik and Keith, and a little engrish for you out there.

And Finally these photos go out to the boys at the ITS HelpDesk and Amanda, for badgering me at any moment to post an update. And yes these two photos were take at the same place just different sides of the street. Near Tofukuji Station.