Monday, August 28, 2006


Today was not the first time I was attacked for being American, but for some strange reason this time it is affecting more than usual. I have been attacked by Europeans and Latin Americans since i have been in Japan over many things, so many I can't count but usually I let it slide. But today I was attacked about 9/11, and it just set off an anger rage. I was so insulted because he told me that the US deserved the attack. But even though I knew it somehow, i just couldn't bear hearing all those 3000 people were killed because we had it coming. We argued for about an hour. And it ended with him telling me I should know what other people think about my country. WHAT?! He thinks I'm ignorant! But afterwards we talked about how this shouldn't affect our views on our friendship. All I can think now is how ashamed I am to be from the USA.

I mean that people hate our country that much. Even from countries we don't even bother like Japan. It is mind boggling that our country has lost ALL of its standing with the world.

And I blame Bush.

He seriously ruined it for us, and is continuing to do so. How much longer do we have to wait for Iran? When i will see Ray and Sean being sent to fight a STUPID war. This is just ridiculous. Sean is in Afghanistan, and I worry all the time that he could be hurt. Ray luckily is stationed in Japan in Okinawa, but I fear if Iran happens he will be in danger. These are two good friends, and what are they fighting for? Fighting for a country that can't agree that a woman has the right to choose? Fighting for a country that deny's two loving citizens the right to marry because the are the same sex? A country where the poor are treated like their lives don't count?

I just need to shake off this, because it is just one of many, and many more to come. Proud to be an American? I am not sure.....

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Japanese Commericals - Hana Koala

Japanese Commericals - Hana Koala

Now I decided to start posting some of my favorite and/or feared commericals or CM. This one is about car insurance and features 3 koalas driving, singing, and dancing. The company's name is そんぽ24 Enjoy.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


Today at Kyoto's Demachiyanagi 出町柳 Area was the Daimonji Festival 大文字五山送り火 . This festival is the official ending to the O-Bon お盆 period. I went with Yoshie and Troy to this festival, we arrived at 7:30 to stake out a good spot. And as you can see in the picture, it was hard to find a place. We were walking back for the Obligitory Matsuri 祭 alcohol run when the fires began, we were located at the Demachi Bridge 出町橋 and saw the first symbol 大 begin to light, it was a slow start but soon it was burning bright as we walked to get closer for better pictures. Now my camera really sucks at taking pictures at Night so I got maybe one good picture of it. As we got to the middle of the Bridge we noticed that we can see the last mountain being lit, 妙. I was quite please that we got to see 2 of the 5 mountains on fire. We stayed until Both burnt out and decided to go get some fireworks and lite them off at the Kamo River 鴨川 bank. Because of the apporaching Typhoon 台風 it was very windy and made it such a hassel, it was an interesting day to say the least. ^_^

Ho 法 Part of the Myoho 妙法 Combination, representing the Buddha's Law

Dai 大 "Big or Great"

**Bon is the Japanese Buddhist time where the spirits come back to earth remembering the Buddha's Death. Daimonji is the Festival to guide the spirits back to there realm.

Better Photos Here

Japanese Hospitals Part 2

Ok so after i left the hospital I called home to tell my parents that I have been discharged. I was greeted with a "Discharged from what?" and then I learned that Ms Savitt didn't call my parents, or accurately tell them what was wrong with me. They had no idea I was even sick. So My parents become infuriated, and I call study abroad to get them to get this insurance thing rolling. They inform me I was supposed to have called the emergancy number while in the hospital, interesting eh? I told them I was not able to speak and I was never made aware of such policy. They told me that now I have to figure it out on my own.

Oh no they didnt.

So I call the insurance company and they never return my call, now this situation has escallated to the point where my parents were calling the University President demanding action (and some jobs). I learn that SUNY was supposed to call my parents, call an english speaking doctor to help me with treatment, and get ahold of the insurance company so I would not be in a situation like the one I was in. (more anger) And as this is going on, I am recieving emails and calls from UAlbany, telling me how this is essentially my fault.

After that I left it to my parents, and the bill was finally covered by Insurance, but things are changing in SUNY Albany's (UAlbany) Study Abroad office.

By The Way a month and a half after my discharge I learned I had Infectious Mononucleousis.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Japanese Hospitals

I had almost forgotten to inform everyone about my trip to the Hospital! Lemme tell you about it.

At first I started to get sick, i thought it was a cold so I payed no attention to it, i tooke my finals and decided to sleep for like 3 days. I was miserable, and was not in the mood to eat or do anything. But at one point my throat started to swell, so I buy Ice Cream. The next day I wake up with a burning fever and delierium. Erik's man Yohei decides to force me to goto the Doctor. So we goto the doctor and he takes my temperature, and again, and again. I needless to say was extremly confused especially when they rush me to the ER 市立枚方市民病院. I get to the ER and they immediately admit me and get me on an IV 点滴 and then I was told I should stay over night. I figure it's a good Idea so I go up to the room, where they line my pillow with Ice and tell me to try to rest. I wake up in the morning to many doctors and my worst enemy, Okayu おかゆ, it's rice poridge. YUCK. So i learn I will be in the hospital for some time. Now at this time Ms Sakamoto from Kansai Gaidai informs me she will contact my parents and get things rolling so I don't have to worry, i still can't talk at this time.

BTW my temperature at Hospitalization was about 40.8 Celcius or 105.44 Farhenheit.

Needless to say I learn I almost fell into a coma and the reason they had me sleep on Ice was to keep me from siezuring. So 2 weeks later I'm discharged with no Idea what I had or what happened, but as I leave i get a piece of Paper saying I have to pay this hospital 3000$ by the following Tuesday

I felt Sick again

To Be Continued...

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Those of you who have known me for a while know my stance on Anime アニメ. I have hated it because of the people who are associated with it. They branded the name of the obessed person Otaku オタク. Because of fear of being associated with these Excessivly pathetic and garenteed virgins, I had striken the words Anime and Manga 漫画 from my vocabulary. But since the inevitable loss of the Foreign Students 留学生, my good friend Troy (aka Sir Mc. Frizzle) had turned me onto a rather peculiar Anime Series called Samurai Champloo サムライチャンプル, I was captivated by its unsual story line, its anachranisms, its Hip/Hop undertones. Needless to say I had became hooked, he gave me his entire series and I watched it all, becoming deeply involved in this story. He thus told me after that I am becoming an Anime freak, after saying such a thing I blacked out only to wake to his unconscience body in the corner. When he came to, and I finished my green tea ice cream 抹茶アイス he told me about another very good series.

So one night Troy and Yoshie came over and we started the Fullmetal Alchemist 鋼の錬金術師 Series. This series is amazing, it has a great storyline and a fantastic soundtrack. I became hooked again! I watched the entire series, feeling uneasy about the ending I watched the Movie. It was amazing, my friend Aki informed me the storyline in the Manga is much better. So after finishing the Series, i started the Manga series. Let me tell you, it is fantastic. But my confession is complete, I like Anime. Please dont kill me.

Here are the Cast Members in this Blog. You know troy already so,

Here is Yoshie

Here is Aki (he is singing)

Matsuri Holla

Ok I tried to post this before and Safari crapped out therefore I am Pissed and will re-write the ENTIRE thing again.

Ok so Erik and Ricardo left and left me alone in my apartment again. But then I remembered that it is Summer Matsuri Season 夏祭!!!!! The first matsuri I had gone to was Gion Matsuri 祇園祭 located in Kyoto. I went with Troy and Yoshie at about 9 am and we parked ourselves at Kawaramachisanjo河原町三条 and we watched the Parade Begin. The parade consisted of Large Hoko 鉾 and Small Yama 山, and Ironically the parade was called Yamaboko 山鉾. We got were there for about 4 hours and enjoyed watching the parade
The parade was to ensure that Kyoto would not be striken with plauges, pestilance, etc. This Parade is as old as Kyoto itself, which my friend is about 1200 years, Yes, Old. It was raining heavily that day so it wasn’t crowded to are benefit. But we did get a Glimpse at some Maiko 舞子 (apprentice Geisha 芸者)

you can see a picture here

The next festival I had gone to was called Jonangureisai 城南宮例祭 and I went with Masa, whom Yohei introduced me to when we went camping. The Festival was located in the Takeda 竹田 section of Kyoto, which was very hard to get to. Also we only went to this festival because the Toilet Matsuri 手洗祭 looked boring and the Fushimi Inari Festival 本山祭 was on another day It was also raining but the atmosphere was one of partying. We had some beers and food, then proceeded to the main event. The Miko 巫女 danced for the gods and then we enjoyed some holy sake. It was a nice day, and we even saw some holy Ice Cubes. Seriously, the ice cubes had prayer cards, paper and tree branches which are considered very holy here.

Holy Ice

The Next festival was Tenjin Matsuri 天神祭, I posted already in my “No Internet” post about it so I wont continue about it. But you can get Troy and Kate’s perspective by going to the left and clicking on “Troy in Japan” But I will post the pictures so you can get a glimpse of the atmosphere, I dont think you can actually understand the amount of People located there unless you were there, or if you watched the movie Selena and remember the scene where the fans rush the stage in mexico crushing people, well it was the same feeling and I was thinking of that movie as we were in the midst of the crowd.

There were Thosands of these things, people and food stands

A cool play done in the middle of the Yodo River 淀川

Friday, August 11, 2006

Ok I finally have Internet at my apartment, which means it has only taken 2 months since i originally requested to have it installed. Bravo Japan and your beurocracy!

Anyways alot has happened since my last posting and to keep me busy for the next few days, i will post each account one by one.

First was our trip to Lake Biwa 琵琶港 the largest lake in Japan, we only made it to the tip at 大津 where the lake feeds the Yodo and Uji rivers 淀川&宇治川. When you see this river you cannot help to notice the disgusting amount of pollution. It reminded me of the Long Island Sound, oh nostalgia! But the most exciting part was when we were on our way to Lake Biwa we found a porno vending machine, the urban legends had proven true!

Here is a picture of Eric contemplating his choice for the evening.

Second was my visit to the Silver Pavillion and the Imperial Palace in Kyoto. The silver pavillion 銀閣寺 is supposed to be the opposite of the Gold Pavillion 金額時 i visted a while back, the difference is they never got around to putting the silver on the pavillion. They loved the bare wood look so much that they could not bear to put the silver up. The Temple also has a extensive garden, which was enhanced by stupid foriegners trying to hit on local college students that happened to be there that day. You can truely feel the magic and the rejection floating in the air.
Next we went to the Imperial castle 御所 as you can see in the picture it is not as marvelous as it can be. That is the outside appearance alone is not what is to be marveled, it is said inside the gate (which you need to make reservations for and you must go at specific times, to difficult to do just to be a tourist.) is a beautiful museam of ancient treasures. Anyways since Ricardo, Erik's friend who came to visit and go home with Erik later that week, had come we decided a tour of the grounds would suffice. We walked the grounds, and were not that impressed.

Anyways that is all for this journey and to end this post a picture of Japanese Litter, once again very peculiar.